Archival inkjet prints, 24 x 28 inches each, 2016
"Tomorrow has aged badly. As if it has off gassed boredom with its carcinogens, the question has become one of the inability to distinguish organic from inorganic matter, the made from the unmade. This is the question Lakshmi Luthra's photographs raise with each of their still life compositions. Her images are comprised of detritus shed by the human organism and retail commerce merging before the lens."
— Jeffrey Stuker, "Plastic Tomorrow," exhibition text for Poly, Sushi Bar Gallery, Brooklyn, New York
The objects seem to speak their own language, in the spot of gold on the knife and the golden pattern of an ink cartridge, or a miniature toy gun that almost passes for a black plastic hangtag. The cumulative effect of these resonances — and I won’t mention all of them, as their discovery is part of the pleasure of looking — is a visual echo chamber in which objects mimic each other rather than remaining tied to their intended meanings. Instead of 'our products [being] so many mirrors in which we [see] reflected our essential nature,' as Marx wrote, they reflect only each other, endlessly.
— Robin Treadwell, "All Blacks are Matte," Hyperallergic